The Americana Project

Image from: The 11 nations of North America, Colin Woodward
According to Colin Woodard's book American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures in North America, there are several distinct cultures at play in the modern United States.
To me, the question then becomes: if there really are all of these rival cultures at play, can we ever actually come together as one?
The quest to answer that question is The Americana Project...
The original plan was, very broadly to simply travel around the country going to as many places as possible and talking as many people as possible, but, in that simple broad form, the project stagnated and nothing got done. So, it has evolved...
While the main intent of the project remains the same, the idea is now to focus specifically on small towns.
The idea being small towns inherently have a strong sense of communal identity that will make finding what we share an easier task to accomplish.