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Master Carpenter & Effects Engineer: Timberlake Playhouse | May 2006-August 2006


The Summer after my Freshman year of college, I had the opportunity to go to Mt. Carrol Illinois and serve as the Master Carpenter/Swing Tech for the Timberlake Playhouse. 

At the time I wanted to be an actor but, having failed to secure work on that side of things for the summer, I decided that any job was better than no job. I've never regretted the decision and, as it turned out, I discovered that prefer hanging the lights to being seen under them.

The position was relatively new at the time and I was very much allowed to make it my own. Given that flexibility, I made sure that I had irons in as many fires as possible.

While I primarily worked in the scene shop, I also worked with the electrical crew, pyro crew and and assisted with the installation and operation of our Flight system for Wizard of Oz

Primary Responsibilities

  • Main Carpenter for all complicated scenic elements 

  • Crew head for small crews of 3-5 workers during construction, load-ins, and strikes

  • Pyro Effects Engineer

  • Flight & Fly Crew 

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